Pilates Classes in Stourbridge
What’s different about Pilates Plus Physio classes?
I put a lot of thought into the content of my classes, and every class I create and teach is different from the previous week. My clients seem to like this, as they are kept stimulated – as are their bodies! It also makes sense from a physiological perspective – our bodies are very complex and respond best to varied neuromuscular challenges – put simply, the “Use it or Lose it” phenomenon. This doesn’t mean my classes are confusing – there are common core themes such as body alignment, breathing, centering (using the core) – the “ABC’s” that are central to Body Control Pilates teaching method.
With my physio background, my classes are effective in promoting healing from old and new injuries, and greatly improving general wellbeing and physical and mental health. You are in safe hands, whether you have joint replacements, chronic joint or muscular problems, general health issues, and more currently, if you have been diagnosed with Long Covid – please get in touch as I have had training in this.
My classes are restricted numbers, and affordable to most pockets, but please let me know if this isn’t the case – concessionary prices may be available – health shouldn’t be cost prohibitive.
Pilates Class Timetable
MONDAY 9:30am & 10:45am @ Norton Community Centre, DY8 3AP
TUESDAY 9:30am & 10:45am @ Elysia Therapeutic Centre, DY8 3RZ
£32 per 4 week block
£10 Pay As You Go
More classes may be added, subject to demand.
Also, small groups / 1:1 sessions are available.
Please contact Lynn for further details.